Hi there! I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Emily, and I’m so glad you’re here. If you’re new to exploring Christian writing, I’m somewhat new here myself. Somewhere Inside a Miracle is my first experience in writing a book, and I’m honored to have you as a part of this journey. Most writers decide early in their process on a single demographic their writing is for. I will admit, that was a struggle for me, and I ended up refusing to make myself choose just one. So here are several audiences I hope to reach with my book.
The first audience I hope to reach in writing is those who have been devastated by infant loss. In my family’s story, we lose one baby prebirth and almost lose another baby just hours after birth. Infant loss, especially through miscarriage or stillbirth is painfully overlooked too often, both in and outside of the church community. I want those who have been through loss to know they are seen. I want them to know that their loss, and stages of grieving and acceptance are just as important as they are with other kinds of losses. I want them to have hope and to know that scripture is not silent towards this and does not overlook their child or their pain.
My second reason for writing is to comfort those who are dealing with a child’s health situation that is very undefined. From birth, my youngest son’s diagnosis has fallen under the category of “traumatic brain injury” (TBI). This, like some other health conditions, has a spectrum of severities, and many times doctors can’t tell the patient or their parents how drastically their lives will be affected down the road. As a parent, having no idea what to expect for your child is unnerving, and a wide range of emotions happen at each stage, sometimes simultaneously. I want parents to know that uncertainty does not necessarily equal lack of faith. I want them to rest assured that it’s okay to face those feelings head on and drop the guilt that accompanies not having all the answers as they raise their child with an extra set of needs.
Thirdly, and most importantly, this book is a testimony of God’s miraculous healing. Many people, including some Christians believe that God did miracles back in Biblical times, but that’s not something He does anymore. Perhaps you’re reading this, and you don’t believe He ever healed, or you don’t believe in God at all. Wherever you are on that spectrum, I invite you to be a part of my account of being present when God did the unexplained, leaving doctors bewildered. My writing is by no means meant to explain all the reasons behind why God miraculously heals in some cases and in others he does not. Even within our family, yes, we have seen God heal miraculously, but we have also begged, begged for God to heal other things, only for those to remain unhealed. Knowing God can heal, and not understanding when He doesn’t is a bitter pill to swallow. If this is where you stand, I truly hear you and want you to know that I realize our testimony, while it may be painful, is for you too.
Thank you for being here as I embark on sharing my family’s story with others. Whatever the reason that brought you here, you’re not here by accident! I pray God’s blessings on your own story.